Thursday, May 15, 2008

A (glancing) blow to the food puritans

Chicago has lifted its 2-year-old ban on foie gras. Such news would typically merit open celebration as legislators are rightfully shamed in to removing themselves from your dinner choices. But, as the article makes clear, there is no moral victory in what seems to be another example of legislative spinelessness and railroading (no, not unique to Chicago, but it sure seems that way).
Moreover, I confess that...I don't love foie gras. That's right. And the practice of force feeding geese seems just odd. Nothing that keeps me awake at all at night. But, odd. None of which encourages the slightest desire to have our fearless legislators ban the practice. As always I appreciate the voice of the people - the dining public. If and when they decide not to buy the stuff any more, that'll be fine with me.